Sunday, July 27, 2014

Episode 3 - Interview with European Coach John K.

As some of you guys may know...

We have a kick ass student-turned-coach, teaching all of Europe (and beyond) how to meet and seduce women.

In this week's podcast, I interview our European Coach, John K, the sole Brad P. instructor based in London.

John shares with us his background, personal experiences and how he went from an overweight, acne-ridden guy to someone who is thoroughly enjoying success with women.

John first started as a 30/30 Club student, quickly escalating to an all-star Online Coach and after some personal coaching under Brad's watchful eye, he's been appointed as the first and only coach living in Europe.

This is a true "frustrated chump" to successful dating champion story.

As always, if you have questions for John, myself or any of our coaches, send them in to:

Check out the interview and enjoy!


Are first dates a nightmare for you?

So you've finally landed yourself a date and you have no idea where to go? She's SUPER HOT, isn't she? Wanna make sure you'll see her again? Read on!

First dates are the major "make-or-break" situation that will determine whether or not she will want to stick around. They decide the fate of the night as well as the fate of future dates. Your chemistry can be great for those first few minutes when you met them. It's been a while since you've seen her, so how do you keep the chemistry alive and interesting?

I'm sure you've already thought about dinner and a movie. I'm also twice as sure that you probably thought it was a terrific idea.


Here's why:

Your first date should be spent in conversation and creating a connection with her. Despite the little moments to spare in between bites and sipping on that fine wine you had in mind, most of the night will be spent in awkward moments. The silence throughout a movie at your local theater isn't your friend either. Unless you're gifted with charisma and your date is naturally chatty, don't bother hitting a restaurant or a movie theater.

Most first dates go awry when there's a lack of genuine connection. Girls usually go home feeling creeped out by the fact that you were willing to bend over backwards (or bend her over your bed) before you even got to know her. She needs to know that she's comfortable being around you. She needs to feel a connection between you and her. She needs to feel understood and appreciated for her qualities and not just her looks.

So, where do you go? What are you going to do?

A great place to start would be a meeting location. Make it light, easy and no pressure on her. Consider meeting in an area filled with a variety of options like a shopping district, a boardwalk or a street festival. You want to select a location with many venues to bounce to in between.

Once out and about, allow yourself a few minutes to screen your date for what she likes and what she's into. Talk to her. Ask her if she heard that annoying song on the radio that everyone loves. Is she brave enough to eat sushi? Give her compliments, only when she deserves them and not because she's hot. This will give you some time to breathe and find genuine common interests with her without propping her up for an awkward interview session. Tell her some interesting stories while drifting from one venue to the next. If she looks bored or uninterested, move her to another venue. Perhaps a different store or area. Use the opportunity of changing venues as a way to keep things moving. You can avoid awkward silence, unusual moments and boring places by having plenty of venue options. Move onto a toy store. Go rent a pair of bikes on the boardwalk and race each other. Check out the ice rink you saw and go skating!

Your first date can last anywhere from three to five hours long. The more places you go to, the more you two will experience. The more you experience, the more memorable you'll become in her mind. When she goes home later and chat away with her girlfriends, she won't be talking about how boring you were. She won't be talking about the awful restaurant you picked out or about the movie you saw. She's going to talk about the incredible time she had with you and the endless number of things you two did together.

Now, isn't it worth being remembered? Especially when you call her back for a second date? I think so!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Episode 2 - Interview with Fadeaway

Due to popular demand, we have decided to share the original podcast interview that inspired The Dating Podcast series.

I thought it would only be fair to reshare this podcast for our listeners who may have missed the original release.

This interview is with our Los Angeles / Las Vegas Coach, Fadeaway.

Or "Fade", for short.

Fadeaway is the youngest coach on our team.

However, don't let his age deceive you as his skills to meet and seduce women is incredible. Fadeaway is known notoriously for doing whatever it takes to get results with women. Fade has even coached students that are twice his age.

A pretty impressive feat in my opinion!

Don't forget to submit questions for our coaches to answer.

You can e-mail them to

Enjoy the interview!


So you want a HOT girlfriend, huh?

You know a hot girlfriend is what you've been looking for. Luscious, sexy and with every inch of silky skin that you wanna rub your junk on. You know you deserve a quality girl with a great personality, humorous and that hint of dorkiness we all love. Deep inside, you know you're a bit of a dork too. And being a dork rules.

Back to reality though.

You've been working hard on your game. Perfecting each technique you've learned and yet you're not getting the tons of hot girls you had hoped for. You also know that you should be out meeting girls regularly and practicing your skills. Despite all the hours you spend going out each week, you've come to realize you don't end up talking to as many girls as you had originally planned. It sucks and you haven't had a date in months.

Many guys will go out with the mission to meet a bunch of hot girls.Though, while they're out, they come to realize that there aren't any “hot” girls around. They just see a few “average” girls walking by or girls that are “cute, but not my type” standing around. If a girl is too hot, they start making excuses that they're not ready to take on that caliber of women. Slowly, they begin creating interesting excuses not to approach the girl because she isn't that “perfect ten” they hoped for or she's just out of their league.

It's a catch twenty-two for many guys. You're not alone.

As with any skill you set out to learn, you have to work towards it by going through the necessary steps. Whether it is learning a new language or picking up a musical instrument. You can have the best tools provided to you for learning a new skill with all the advantages you could need, though without practice, you're just a sloppy amateur at best.

Pretend for a moment that you've been given the keys to a race car. This car has been fine tuned to perfection. It has more horsepower than you will ever need for an actual race, top of the line racing tires, incredible handling and even a comfortable bucket seat. The car is designed for professional drivers... except, you're not a professional driver. You may have a driver's license, but you still have to learn how to drive this vehicle at insanely high speeds while controlling each and every move with precision. You won't always have the best driving conditions to practice either. In short, without learning everything correctly, you could easily have yourself bested by an amateur racer in a Hyundai.

Using the race car as an analogy, landing your dream girl is similar to winning a race. Like having the best race car, you could be armed with the best dating advice and continue to have bad results with women. Skipping steps or looking for shortcuts to meet girls won't help either. Figure out what the necessary steps are to attract a girl, create a genuine connection with her and how to properly seal the deal for a date. You should be making an effort to meet girls on a regular basis. Instead of just waiting for “Miss Perfect Ten" to show up, you should turn to your left and approach the first girl you see. It doesn't matter if she's hot, ugly, young or old. What matters is that you are out practicing your game. Practice meeting girls until you start creating consistent and positive results. If you're consistently able to approach any girl in any place, at any given time, while getting a phone number or a date, then you're ready for the next step.

Once you're desensitized to approaching and picking up random girls, you can begin focusing on the high quality girls you want. The ones that were previously “out of your league.” You will have a better intuition on how to maneuver conversations like a ninja and get the girl you want. Then, when Miss Perfect Ten walks into the next party you're attending, you can boldly walk up to her and take her home with you at the end of the night.

How awesome would that be?

So if you're serious about meeting that hot girlfriend of yours, then get out there and approach! Girls are everywhere: The bus stop, train station, stores, malls, public parks, hanging around your favorite lunch spot, walking right by you right now, McDonald's, etc.

Yes, I was serious about McDonald's!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Episode 1 - Approach Anxiety with Brad P.

Hey guys!

It's Drew.

Since my podcast recording with Fadeaway last summer, many of you guys have e-mailed and called me asking for more interviews with the coaches.

I finally got around to making it happen!

The Dating Podcast is a FREE, weekly interview series featuring expert dating coaches from the Brad P. team.

Each week, a Brad P. coach will cover different topics and answer questions that are most important to you.

The podcast format is only available on YouTube and can be accessed on your computer or mobile device.

Be sure to check back each week for a new episode on this blog.

Below is the first interview of the series, featuring none other than Brad P. himself.

Brad covers the fear-gripping topic of "approach anxiety" that tends to stop men from meeting women. Listen in to see what Brad has to say in his latest breakthroughs.

Don't forget to comment and subscribe for updates!


Friday, July 4, 2014

The coolest guy in the room.

He's fun. He's interesting. He has all the right things to say. His stories are never dull. Women fondle over him when he's around. He's got that “it” factor that you can't place your finger on. Even a bad joke can slip by without awkwardness. And you're probably wondering...

Why can't he be you?

Most men like to believe that they already have the right stuff to get the women they want. They think a cheeky pickup line, some designer brands on their clothing and a fat wallet full of money is all that you need. Some men believe it's about the good looks, the fit physique they sculpt or that “fresh” haircut they got last week. Others think it's just pure luck to land a hot, interesting woman.

What makes a man attractive? What fuels his conversations with fantastic stories and charm? Why should women want to be around him?

Spend about five to ten minutes reflecting on the things that you do daily. What routines do you have that defines you as a unique individual? Do you have hobbies? Are you spending time doing things that make you particularly happy? Are you happy with the person you see in the mirror?

All these questions are things related to what Brad P. considers part of your identity. Identity is a core essential that a lot of guys overlook. It's the building blocks to your personality, your stories, your charm and most importantly: YOUR GAME!

If you want to appear more attractive and unique to women, you're going to have to spend some time understanding yourself. When you identify both good qualities and bad qualities about your personality and habits, you should be making a constant effort to change things for the best. Only then can you present the best version of yourself.

The man with all the right things to say, the charm and the stories will stem from the things you do on a daily basis. If you're waking up in the morning, going to work and come home to eat dinner and then head to bed, there isn't much happening for you. It's like not working out and expecting people to compliment you on the six pack abs that you don't have. Girls will not be interested in talking to you or hearing about your week if you didn't do anything. It's just not going to happen.

Instead of masquerading as an elite man, you should be working towards becoming one. Elite men do not choose hobbies or habits based on the interest of women. They choose to participate in various activities that's fun and interesting for them. The attention it creates for women is merely an afterthought. Examples include working on muscle cars after work, practicing martial arts, working out at the gym, rock climbing, painting murals, etc. These activities should be something you enjoy and often do on a daily or weekly basis. The activities can also serve as an extension of chasing your personal dreams and passions in life.