Monday, July 7, 2014

Episode 1 - Approach Anxiety with Brad P.

Hey guys!

It's Drew.

Since my podcast recording with Fadeaway last summer, many of you guys have e-mailed and called me asking for more interviews with the coaches.

I finally got around to making it happen!

The Dating Podcast is a FREE, weekly interview series featuring expert dating coaches from the Brad P. team.

Each week, a Brad P. coach will cover different topics and answer questions that are most important to you.

The podcast format is only available on YouTube and can be accessed on your computer or mobile device.

Be sure to check back each week for a new episode on this blog.

Below is the first interview of the series, featuring none other than Brad P. himself.

Brad covers the fear-gripping topic of "approach anxiety" that tends to stop men from meeting women. Listen in to see what Brad has to say in his latest breakthroughs.

Don't forget to comment and subscribe for updates!
