Friday, July 4, 2014

The coolest guy in the room.

He's fun. He's interesting. He has all the right things to say. His stories are never dull. Women fondle over him when he's around. He's got that “it” factor that you can't place your finger on. Even a bad joke can slip by without awkwardness. And you're probably wondering...

Why can't he be you?

Most men like to believe that they already have the right stuff to get the women they want. They think a cheeky pickup line, some designer brands on their clothing and a fat wallet full of money is all that you need. Some men believe it's about the good looks, the fit physique they sculpt or that “fresh” haircut they got last week. Others think it's just pure luck to land a hot, interesting woman.

What makes a man attractive? What fuels his conversations with fantastic stories and charm? Why should women want to be around him?

Spend about five to ten minutes reflecting on the things that you do daily. What routines do you have that defines you as a unique individual? Do you have hobbies? Are you spending time doing things that make you particularly happy? Are you happy with the person you see in the mirror?

All these questions are things related to what Brad P. considers part of your identity. Identity is a core essential that a lot of guys overlook. It's the building blocks to your personality, your stories, your charm and most importantly: YOUR GAME!

If you want to appear more attractive and unique to women, you're going to have to spend some time understanding yourself. When you identify both good qualities and bad qualities about your personality and habits, you should be making a constant effort to change things for the best. Only then can you present the best version of yourself.

The man with all the right things to say, the charm and the stories will stem from the things you do on a daily basis. If you're waking up in the morning, going to work and come home to eat dinner and then head to bed, there isn't much happening for you. It's like not working out and expecting people to compliment you on the six pack abs that you don't have. Girls will not be interested in talking to you or hearing about your week if you didn't do anything. It's just not going to happen.

Instead of masquerading as an elite man, you should be working towards becoming one. Elite men do not choose hobbies or habits based on the interest of women. They choose to participate in various activities that's fun and interesting for them. The attention it creates for women is merely an afterthought. Examples include working on muscle cars after work, practicing martial arts, working out at the gym, rock climbing, painting murals, etc. These activities should be something you enjoy and often do on a daily or weekly basis. The activities can also serve as an extension of chasing your personal dreams and passions in life.