You know a hot girlfriend is what you've been looking for. Luscious, sexy and with every inch of silky skin that you wanna rub your junk on. You know you deserve a quality girl with a great personality, humorous and that hint of dorkiness we all love. Deep inside, you know you're a bit of a dork too. And being a dork rules.
Back to reality though.
You've been working hard on your game. Perfecting each technique you've learned and yet you're not getting the tons of hot girls you had hoped for. You also know that you should be out meeting girls regularly and practicing your skills. Despite all the hours you spend going out each week, you've come to realize you don't end up talking to as many girls as you had originally planned. It sucks and you haven't had a date in months.
Many guys will go out with the mission to meet a bunch of hot girls.Though, while they're out, they come to realize that there aren't any “hot” girls around. They just see a few “average” girls walking by or girls that are “cute, but not my type” standing around. If a girl is too hot, they start making excuses that they're not ready to take on that caliber of women. Slowly, they begin creating interesting excuses not to approach the girl because she isn't that “perfect ten” they hoped for or she's just out of their league.
It's a catch twenty-two for many guys. You're not alone.
As with any skill you set out to learn, you have to work towards it by going through the necessary steps. Whether it is learning a new language or picking up a musical instrument. You can have the best tools provided to you for learning a new skill with all the advantages you could need, though without practice, you're just a sloppy amateur at best.
Pretend for a moment that you've been given the keys to a race car. This car has been fine tuned to perfection. It has more horsepower than you will ever need for an actual race, top of the line racing tires, incredible handling and even a comfortable bucket seat. The car is designed for professional drivers... except, you're not a professional driver. You may have a driver's license, but you still have to learn how to drive this vehicle at insanely high speeds while controlling each and every move with precision. You won't always have the best driving conditions to practice either. In short, without learning everything correctly, you could easily have yourself bested by an amateur racer in a Hyundai.
Using the race car as an analogy, landing your dream girl is similar to winning a race. Like having the best race car, you could be armed with the best dating advice and continue to have bad results with women. Skipping steps or looking for shortcuts to meet girls won't help either. Figure out what the necessary steps are to attract a girl, create a genuine connection with her and how to properly seal the deal for a date. You should be making an effort to meet girls on a regular basis. Instead of just waiting for “Miss Perfect Ten" to show up, you should turn to your left and approach the first girl you see. It doesn't matter if she's hot, ugly, young or old. What matters is that you are out practicing your game. Practice meeting girls until you start creating consistent and positive results. If you're consistently able to approach any girl in any place, at any given time, while getting a phone number or a date, then you're ready for the next step.
Using the race car as an analogy, landing your dream girl is similar to winning a race. Like having the best race car, you could be armed with the best dating advice and continue to have bad results with women. Skipping steps or looking for shortcuts to meet girls won't help either. Figure out what the necessary steps are to attract a girl, create a genuine connection with her and how to properly seal the deal for a date. You should be making an effort to meet girls on a regular basis. Instead of just waiting for “Miss Perfect Ten" to show up, you should turn to your left and approach the first girl you see. It doesn't matter if she's hot, ugly, young or old. What matters is that you are out practicing your game. Practice meeting girls until you start creating consistent and positive results. If you're consistently able to approach any girl in any place, at any given time, while getting a phone number or a date, then you're ready for the next step.
Once you're desensitized to approaching and picking up random girls, you can begin focusing on the high quality girls you want. The ones that were previously “out of your league.” You will have a better intuition on how to maneuver conversations like a ninja and get the girl you want. Then, when Miss Perfect Ten walks into the next party you're attending, you can boldly walk up to her and take her home with you at the end of the night.
How awesome would that be?
How awesome would that be?
So if you're serious about meeting that hot girlfriend of yours, then get out there and approach! Girls are everywhere: The bus stop, train station, stores, malls, public parks, hanging around your favorite lunch spot, walking right by you right now, McDonald's, etc.
Yes, I was serious about McDonald's!